Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Every morning at nine o’clock I sit down and await my muse. If she hasn’t shown up by five past I start without her. Tchaikovsky

A big week.  A Kiwi jockey came second in the Melbourne Cup, Barack Obama has been re-elected in the USA, and this weekend there is a Writers’ Retreat at Mt Richmond Estate near the Rai Valley, Garden Marlborough and the Marlborough A & P Show.

   This weekend I am going to a Writers' Retreat at Richmond Estate near the Rai Valley township. Yesterday I picked up a carton full of books to take with me containing the journals of Captain Cook edited by Beaglehole, four large volumes and a series of charts drawn on the voyages.  I have interloaned the Journals twice before but have never seen the charts. I will be working on the Second Voyage during the retreat as Cook visited Ship Cove three times on that voyage and so there are a lot more journal entries to be transcribed.

   On 12 November until February 2013 there will be an artisans’ market in Mariners Mall in Picton. I am taking part with some local books for sale and also some cards that I have produced.  Also Reflections, an anthology published by Picton Poets in 2012 will be for sale. The idea is for this to be a cooperative venture with two volunteers on each day.  There is a charge for each artist to cover the rent but no commission on sales.

   This will be the first time since Garden Marlborough began that I have missed it because I opted to go to a Writers' Retreat instead.  I usually attend a workshop or a lecture or go on a garden tour (by bus), but most of all I enjoy walking around the market seeing all the stalls in Seymour Square on Sunday.  So many stalls filled with items to do with gardening, jazz music playing and the smell of coffee and food wafting in the air. This garden fete would be one of the highlights of living in Marlborough.

    I don't know what's happened to the weather, it’s so cold usually in November we can turn off the heating and stop lighting the fire, but not this year.  It takes so much energy keeping warm.  I remember when we were at school at Labour Weekend we had to put away our winter uniform and start wearing our summer uniform.  Many of us continued to follow this regime but not this year.

   This afternoon I’ve been invited to an open day at the Picton Visitor Information Centre (i-SITE).  This is for tourist operators in Marlborough and I offer heritage walks for cruise ship passengers. Congratulations to Rachel Holland at Picton i-SITE.  Also congratulations to the Edwin Fox committee who were joint runners-up in the Heritage and Environment category in the Trust Power Community Awards and also to the Picton Maritime Festival committee who won in the Arts and Culture category. These awards are in their 12th year and acknowledge the work of volunteers and organisations in Marlborough. Next year we should consider nominating the Marlborough Writers’ committee. The group meets monthly and is a sub branch of the Top of the South Branch of the NZ Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc).