Saturday, 12 July 2014

"Live simply that others may simply live".
Mahatma Gandhi
[From Mindfood magazine bookmark]
Weather today: Cloudy overcast, sun trying to shine through, cool, snow forecast for the Southern passes. Lawn very muddy from all the rain. Need to wear gumboots to get to the clothesline and the bird feeder in the apple tree. Lots of snowdrops out and earlicheer daffodils.
The inaugural Writers’ and Readers’ Forum was held at Picton Little Theatre, Dublin Street, Picton over the weekend of 4 – 6 July. Authors registered for this event presented their work and discussed independent publishing opportunities in the digital age. The forum was the brainchild of Peter Thomas, who was the chair of the committee made up of Irene Thomas, Marie Higgs and Julie Kennedy.
   Peter Thomas supplied this report: “It would be an unusual person who could resist being inspired by the writers who descended on Picton’s Little Theatre last weekend. The tone was set by the Ukes of Marlborough who provided entertainment on the Friday evening as the writers, mainly from the Top of the South, gathered for the event. Tears and laughter erupted as writer after writer read from their work or explained the secrets behind the motivation for their creations. But there was a more serious reason for the gathering. The digital age is changing the face of publishing for ever and is creating new opportunities for writers to distribute their work worldwide in ways that could not be envisaged a few years ago. Sales of paper and electronic books must have run into the hundreds as the writers, who are often enveloped in a silent and solitary art form, exchanged ideas and horizons.
   “In the closing minutes of the forum a resolution was unanimously passed to request Radio New Zealand to widen the focus of its book reviews to include the majority of New Zealand literature which is bypassing the old established publishing houses to embrace the new digital era.”
   Julie Kennedy adds, “The Forum was a great success, according to all participants. There were about 30 writers in the audience on Saturday; 20 were registered to present their work, while others came to listen and be inspired. Members of the public came and went during the weekend. We appreciated David MacManus from Copy Press being present, plus John and Maree Penney from Prisma Print in Blenheim, as well as all the Nelson writers who attended. Wendy Scott from Hokitika was also an asset, with her contribution to the panel discussion on Sunday. Many people said they hoped the Forum would become an annual event.”
[Report copied from the Top of the South Branch of the NZ Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) e-newsletter 11 July 2014.]

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Writers and Readers Forum Picton

Punctuation: "It tells the reader how to hum the tune."
Lynne Truss, Eats Shoots and leaves.

Weather today: Warm, sunny day with little wind.
Writers’ and Readers’ Forum  4th, 5th, 6th July 2014

Picton Little Theatre, Dublin Street



Friday 4th July. 7pm. – 9pm.

Registration, and a chance for writers to display their books on the sales table and meet other writers. Tea and coffee will be available and attendees may, if they wish, bring their own wine. Wine will not be on sale at the theatre. At 8pm entertainment will be provided by The Ukes of Marlborough.


Saturday 5th July 9am – 5pm.

Writers will be allocated a time (typically 15 to 30 minutes) to present their work to the audience. They may use the time in any way they wish. It could include: reading extracts, discussing the motivations for producing the book, future plans, and answering questions from the audience. Also independent publishers will make a presentation about the services they can offer. Authors will have the opportunity to sell and sign copies of their work from the sales table and talk to publishers. It is anticipated that the media will be present and they may wish to interview writers about their work.

We will have breaks for morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea.

The Red Salt cafe will provide evening meals at 6pm for attendees. Alternatively there are numerous other restaurants nearby where meals can be purchased at a reasonable cost.


Sunday 6th July 9.30am – 12.30pm.

Guest speakers will provide a panel discussion on the production of books and the changes that are taking place in the industry. They will include paper books, electronic books on e-readers, audio books and the discussion will cover most aspects of independent publishing. The discussion could include such topics as: editing, proof reading, book cover design, sales, marketing, reviewing and publicity. Questions and participation will be invited from the audience. There will be a mid-morning break for tea and coffee.


Writers of Picton wish to thank Prisma Print for their generous sponsorship.


A $5 registration fee is required from participants and entrance to the Forum will be free for the public. Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be provided for a gold coin donation. The purchase of meals will be the responsibility of the attendees.

Picton offers a variety of accommodation choices at reasonable cost. Cabins, back-packers, bed and breakfast, motels and hotels are all available. Details may be obtained by looking up accommodation in Picton on Google.

This forum is aimed at writers. If you wish to participate please complete the form below and enclose a $5 registration fee.

If you want to join the group for dinner on Saturday evening this needs to be ordered and paid for in advance and will cost $20 per person. Please specify any special diets.





Email.................................................... Phone.....................................

The work you will be presenting. For example, a finished novel and work in progress on another book. The material presented must be suitable for the general public.


I wish to join the group for dinner on Saturday evening at a cost of $22.50 (mains + dessert) per person......................................   Yes / No

No of people for dinner...............................................

Special diet requirements........................................................................

Numbers are limited and the first 20 applications received before Friday 20th June will be accepted, others will be returned.

Cheques should be made out to Writers of Picton and sent to:

Writers of Picton, PO Box 596 Picton 7250

Amount enclosed............ Signed........................... Date...................  mobile. 027 249 3146  tel.  (03) 972 0638